NES Health

What Is NES BioEnergetics All About?

"I feel so sick and tired. And nothing I do is making me better. What's wrong with me?"

You've tried alternative treatments, you've been to Doctors, you feel desperate for help in restoring energy, health and vitality to your worn-out body!

Today's popular medical approaches are limited because they focus only on trying to correct the biology and biochemistry of your cells. They do NOTHING about the third and most important force in your body...your body's bioenergy field--the very source of your health and vitality. Because of this, many people do not get the long-term healing solutions they need.

The relationship between the cell (particle) and the electromagnetic frequency (wave) is bi-directional and symbiotic.  They each depend on and influence one another.   And, one would not exist without the other.  Therefore, a truly comprehensive health-restoring protocol needs to address disturbances at both the bio-energetic and bio-chemical level.  Addressing one while ignoring the other will undoubtedly be incomplete and thus result in the ever-so-popular phenomenon of “Trying many different protocols with little to no success”

Our bodies are meant to be an efficient healing machine! A healthy body easily fights off viruses, pathogens, chronic illnesses and environmental toxins.


Every living thing is surrounded by energy. Every person generates their own "Body-Field" of energy. Researchers have discovered that this Body-Field acts as a control system managing the self-healing power of the body.

When energy is low, blocked or disrupted, biology and biochemistry can break down causing the body's own self-healing power to lapse.

What if you could go straight to the source to find out why you are so tired? What if you could look deep into your own energy fields for the true healing solution?


With new technology you can see your entire Human Body-Field--and it only takes seconds!

NES is the world's leader in the study of the role of energy in living systems. We call this scientific approach "Bioenergetics," a powerful scientific approach to wellness, based not on biochemistry, but on physics and the energy that powers your body. Bioenergetics studies how your cells, body, and environment exchange energy and information to keep you in perfect health.

Life's challenges--stress, diet, environmental poisons or emotional upsets--damage the original "blueprint", (Body-Field). The energy field becomes blocked and information to the cells becomes scrambled.

As a result, your body can no longer maintain optimal health and repair itself as nature intended. Our cells send out distress signals that we often feel as pain or fatigue.

After years of research of mapping out the first and only self-healing perfect blueprint of information both Peter Frasier and Harry Massey, (Founders of NES Health). This research became the first detailed Bioenergetic anatomical map of the Human Body Field.

Together, Peter and Harry developed the technology necessary to instantly scan the Body-Field to uncover places where energy distortions existed causing restorative information to be scrambled. The centuries old theories of Energy Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine had finally been validated through the mapping of the Human Body Field into the exciting 21st-century healing science of Bioenergetics. (NES Health was launched in 2003)

The body-field can be thought of as the operating system, supporting all the processing that occurs in the hardware of your body. When functioning in alignment, the body-field orchestrates harmonious balance in your body and mind, and encourages the body's own ability to heal and be well.

Energy medicine in its many forms provides new solutions that promote growth on all levels.

Why wait until a disease manifests on a physical level? Why not prevent it? By becoming aware of different characteristics of energy pulses and energy patterns in the body we could map the way diseases alter these patterns and discover the problems on an energetic level before it manifests on a physical level. What an insight to disease control! Energy Medicine Practitioners can help the client sense distorted energy fields and locate the origin and reason for the pain.

NES is perfectly suited to this role, as its detailed mapping of the body-field allows for sequenced, highly directed support for the underlying energy structures of the body.

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Site content is for informational purposes only. The NES ProVision scan is an energetic assessment. NES Health and/or Leean Jensen do not claim to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any disease, illness or condition. NES Health and its claims have not been evaluated by any government agency or regulatory organization. Leean Jensen is not a licensed medical provider, and does not offer medical advice. Bioenergetic assessments and remedies deal only with the Human Body-Field.