Feel Good Infoceutical

Appropriate for everyone and can be purchased without a NES ProVision Scan.  You may want to consider putting together a HOME “INFORMATION MEDICINE" FIRST AID KIT for your family!


This is my absolute favorite cold and flu remedy ever.

Accelerates the body’s natural recovery from colds and flu symptoms. Provides relief from fatigue, promotes drainage, and re-tunes cellular function. Supports lung and large intestine meridian. Use with ESR for enhanced effects.

Take CFI the moment you feel the onset of something resembling a cold or flu, or take regularly as a preventative measure during cold and flu season.


Aids in correcting energetic distortions brought on by air travel, over-exposure to electromagnetic fields, chronic illness and geopathic stresses. A realignment of the body’s energetic polarity helps promote positive health changes and assists in physical and emotional detoxification. It’s especially useful for jet lag.


Do you ever get that mental looping, where a thought just keeps rolling over and over and over in your mind?  Or you find that it’s not just one thought, but every single thing that happens and you just can’t seem to help but to replay it again and again? This wonderful Infoceutical is designed to have a mentally calming effect by assisting your mind in processing backlogs of emotional and sensory data due to OVERLOAD!

When we run these “emotional tape loops” in our minds it just causes more overload which when added to our daily experiences of more stress that gives our poor stressed minds more stuff to loop mentally we have ourselves a chronic circle of stuff to process.

This favorite Infoceutical is very helpful when a person’s abilities to process sensory data has become compromised due to constant stress.

Supports behavior change in bad habits.  Gives wisdom to process correctly.  Encourages a calm mental state.


Neither a sedative nor a stimulant, ESR helps support your entire body field’s ability to release emotional stress.  It’s especially soothing for the digestive tract and assists in the absorption of nutrients. May be applied topically to areas of physical trauma.

The changes that the ESR Infoceuctical makes are pretty immediate and it can offer relief from:

ENERGY (Formerly Known As Source)

This can enhance your source energy available for physical activity. Also may be useful when you’re energetically depleted due to chronic illness, mental exhaustion, stress, toxic exposure malnutrition or poor breathing. Use before and during sports or other physical activity.


Helps correct energetic imbalances from radiation exposure (computers, cell phones, WiFi, etc.) that can contribute to poor concentration, headaches, heart palpitations, blood pressure variation, or immunity depletion. Helps improve your ability to deflect electromagnetic fields that may affect your body-fields. May be used topically on the hands, back of the neck or other areas of radiation exposure.


The heart and its driver field are associated with the heart’s physical muscular pumping action and the creation of complex double sound waves.

There is a very strong emotional component to the heart field. The heart driver field is associated with decision making processes, clarity, self confidence and mental integration.  Helps clear up skin tags and moles.  May have a beneficial effect on skin tone and appearance. Helps with charisma.  When the heart driver field is damaged self esteem can drop to low levels.


Energetically enhances the heart’s ability to imprint nervous system information onto the bloodstream. Helps re-establish the head-heart connection, promoting mental clarity and decision making.  Creates an overall positive emotional outlook.  Charisma.

MALE (ES 11) & FEMALE (ES 12)

The energy of the Human Body Fields is vital for correct endocrine function and for both male & female performance. These balanced fields can enhance:


The Love Infoceutical deals with how we view ourselves as alone and separated from others and the world around us.  When this emotion is in balance we are acting and reacting from a state of true and unconditional love and unity and you do what is right for everyone involved, including yourself.  Supports personal transformation and helps to clear the crown chakra.


Help’s promote a calm mental state, mental clarity and honesty with oneself. Enhances the head-heart connection to help resolve conflicts between emotions and logical thought, as well as memories that have caused disharmony.


Energetically helps rejuvenate the body after sports participation, strenuous physical activity, physical injury, impact or shock. Also helps with tissue regeneration, muscle recovery, muscle tone and may ease muscle strains, swelling and trauma. May be applied topically to injured areas.


Energetically normalizes liver function and hormonal activity to encourage the correct metabolism of fat in the body. Also supports the nervous system and may encourage appetite regulation. This Infoceutical is not a stimulant nor an appetite suppressant. 


The Muscle Driver assists in the energetic clearing of metabolic waste stored in muscle tissue to help restore flexibility, mobility and muscle strength. Improving the muscle field helps promote personal independence and supports the ability to animate dreams and desires. You may experience some muscle soreness initially when taken.


Supports your entire nervous system’s energetic field, helping your body better deal with stress. Nervous System energy fields can also be affected by pollutants. Nerve Driver helps shed those toxins, as well as promote a feeling of calmness and aid your ability to get restful sleep.


Helps promote a balanced sleep cycle and optimum regulation of your body’s natural rhythms. It can have a harmonizing effect on your entire energetic system. It’s not a sedative, is non-addictive and does not stimulate hormones. Use 3-4 times throughout the day, with the last dose before bedtime to reset cycle.


 Helps address aging of the brain and its lowered ability to produce enzymes and hormones as age increases.  May affect melatonin production.  Corrects the effects of radiation from the sun and other sources.  Helps to ease electro-sensitivity for all ages, senility, mental confusion in older people, poor sleep due to melatonin deficiency, degeneration of tissues, and X-ray exposure.

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Site content is for informational purposes only. The NES ProVision scan is an energetic assessment. NES Health and/or Leean Jensen do not claim to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any disease, illness or condition. NES Health and its claims have not been evaluated by any government agency or regulatory organization. Leean Jensen is not a licensed medical provider, and does not offer medical advice. Bioenergetic assessments and remedies deal only with the Human Body-Field.